Haz crecer tu negocio con la mejor calidad de sonido
Don’t miss out on customers due to this one key mistake.
Every day, your business is losing customers simply because of poor sound quality. You may look good but do you sound good too?
Poor sound is a huge distraction and your message is going unheard. This is costing you valuable sales and stopping your growth.
Anavi Sound will take your business to the next level by making sure your message is heard clearer than ever.
How is poor sound costing your business?
Customers distracted
They don't take you seriously
No consistency
Costing of time, effort and money
Missing out on opportunities to grow
Anavi Sound worries about your sound so you don't have to.
Your project is as important to me as it is to you. I'll use my over 18 years of experience get the best of it.
I'll do my best to understand your needs and solve your doubts.
Easy and fast comunication
Quality warranty
Until you are happy with the result, the project will not be finalized.
Value your customers
Give your customers the best possible experience while they enjoy your content
I know how frustrating is to be just a number. I experience it myself. That is why I will offer you a different feedback.
Hola, me llamo Alicia Navarro Vicéns (ANAVI) Y sobre mi te puedo contar que llevo dedicándome al mundo del AUDIO los últimos 18 años, y que durante este tiempo bla, bla, bla, bla...
Mejor te lo resumo y te cuento lo que es realmente IMPORTANTE: Durante estos años no he dejado de trabajar y de APRENDER, por lo que estoy al día de las últimas tendencias, y al tanto de los avances tecnológicos. Soy concienzuda y me gusta hacer las cosas bien, no dejo nunca nada a medias. Me ENTUSIASMA mi trabajo y me flipa colaborar con personas que tienen algo que decir. el tratamiento de la VOZ y el diseño sonoro son “my passion”. Soy una persona, no una “IA”, con lo bueno y lo malo que eso conlleva, pero sobre todo con lo bueno. Soy capricornio, mi color favorito es el azul y Soy más de montaña.
Estoy deseando conocer TU PROYECTO, así que, cuéntamelo todo.
Fill the form and tell me what do you need so i can start working on how can I help you
I'll be updating you on every step of the process, so you'll be an active part of it. The job is not done until you say it.
Post your audio on every platform and let your customers enjoy the results of your effort.
At Anavi sound we know that you want to be an industry leader. In order to do that you need to create impact. The problem is your message is getting lost in terrible sound, wich is frustrating because it feels that your efforts are going to waste. I believe that marketing isn’t just about looking good. It is about sounding good to. We understand the importance of clear comunication wich is why i use my 18 years of experience to help yu sound at your best. Here is how we do it: 1. I’ll meet with you to learn about who you are and what you need 2. Discuss whether do you need, sound editing and/or sound design 3. Continue to support you until you sound awesome. Apply to work with me now, and in the meantime, download my 10 tips for improving your podcast, so you can stop waisting resorces and start leading from the front